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Thursday, March 3, 2011


I am often accused of being a food snob by my wife which is of course nonsense. Last night my distaste for buffets brought the scorn and abuse from my loving wife. Now I need to set the record straight. I don't dislike all buffets I just hate bad buffets. I love a good brunch and what is brunch but a really nice buffet? Well at least most of the time. The best part of brunch of course is that it is socially acceptable to drink before noon at brunch. God brunch is great. So are weddings that start before noon because once again you can have a drink before lunch time. So perhaps it isn't brunch that I like but drinking before noon? I'm going to have to think about that one...

1 comment:

  1. For the record.. I'm with your wife on this one. I happen to like buffets. Sometimes quantity really does make up for quality... Sometimes.

    In any event, brunch is fantastic.
