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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Food Snobery

If you ask my wife she will tell you that I am a food snob. I of course will argue this point by saying I simply enjoy well prepared food. I am more than happy with a well made burger. I just do not want one that is crap. Also I would prefer local sustainable meat; is that too much to ask? Oh and that the bread have been made by the restaurant or an artisan bakery. And of course tomatoes only during tomato season. So seriously how can she call me a food snob?

The real food snobs are the people running most of the establishments written about in this months Food & Wine (the travel issue). I have never seen such a pretentious collection of people in one magazine. Now I do respect what these people do but the Fat Duck now has ice cream that does not melt. Think about that for a minute. ICE CREAM THAT DOES NOT MELT. Melting is one of the major properties of ice cream. Many children will tell you that after it melts ice cream is better than in its frozen state.

Then there is the butcher shop that displays meat in glass cases akin to that a jeweler would use. Not only that this shop also has an over abundance of security cameras, and not the quite small ones that you can't see, but instead the large kind circa 1983. The eighties called and they want their technology back. Now I greatly respect the sacrifice we force upon animals so that we can eat them. I think animals raised for food should be treated well and made as happy as possible but putting the meat on display this way is just disrespectful. Kill the creature, butcher it, and sell it as quickly as possible. Also give the customer some recipes. Always a nice touch. Don't put the meat under lock and key. Pompous jerks.

I do love technology and progress but the food industry seriously needs to look in a mirror and ask if this is the best way to be spending our time and resources with all of the issues that we are faced with. I know I can't wait to enjoy my ice cream that does not melt in front of an undernourished child.